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Risk & Security

 How to Manage Crypto Passwords

Password protection critical in crypto

In an age dominated by digital interactions, the importance of password security cannot be overstated. As technology advances, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals, leading to a rapid growth in cyber threats. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the necessity of password managers, various storage methods, the best ways to manage passwords, and ultimately, how to keep your passwords safe in an increasingly complex digital landscape. 

The importance of password security

Our online presence is guarded by passwords—digital keys to our virtual lives. The increasing interconnectedness of our digital ecosystem has given rise to a surge in cyber threats. From data breaches to identity theft, the stakes have never been higher, especially in crypto. Establishing a robust defense against these threats starts with understanding the crucial role of password security. The traditional username and password website access is ripe for improvement; however, the threat is going to be around for years to come.

password post-it notes on keyboard

Key Takeaway

Many people scoff at putting their passwords into password managers and continue to think their paper notes, Excel or Word files are the best place for passwords, but the security risk is far higher without a password manager. This counterintuitive logic is baffling.

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Assessing personal security needs

Before dismissing the idea of a crypto password manager, it's essential to evaluate individual security needs. Different online behaviors and engagement levels require varying degrees of protection. A password manager proves invaluable in handling the complexity that arises from maintaining multiple accounts across various platforms.

The limitations of manual password management

While it might seem manageable to memorize a handful of passwords, the reality is that most individuals have numerous accounts, each with its unique security requirements. This makes manual password management prone to human error, leading to weaker passwords and increased vulnerability. Do you think the most common passwords: "123456" and "password" are going to stop a hacking attempt?

Key Takeaway

Studies suggest the average internet user has up to 240 online accounts (depending on the study.) Most people prefer to use the password over again to simplify their life, but the opposite is true where every online account should have a unique strong password. The best way to manage hundreds of accounts is a password manager.

Benefits of crypto password managers


Password managers offer a holistic solution to the challenges posed by manual management. From generating strong, complex passwords to securely storing them, these tools streamline the entire process. Enhanced security, ease of use, and the ability to manage multiple accounts effortlessly are among the many benefits that make password managers a must-have in the digital age.

The benefits of crypto password managers are numerous, including:

  • Synchronize and access across your devices, mobile phone, laptop and desktop computers
  • Use built-in password generators for multiple types of password creation
  • Easily create and save new and existing account credentials
  • Remember only one password to get into your password manager
  • Securely share passwords with other users (business and personal)
  • Quickly delete user access when they are terminated and are no longer needed
  • Avoid risk of keylogging malware and similar risks
  • Save time on password resets

Passwords storage

The security of your passwords also depends on how they're stored. Of course, there are different methods of storage. Here are some the advantages and risks associated with each.

Locally stored passwords

Storing passwords locally on devices may seem convenient, but it comes with inherent risks. A compromised device or a system failure could result in the loss of all stored passwords. Basically you’re more likely to get hacked from storing passwords in a Word file or notes app than a password manager. Additionally, the lack of synchronization across devices makes this method impractical for people who use multiple platforms.

Encrypted passwords

Encryption adds an extra layer of security to stored passwords, rendering them unreadable to unauthorized individuals. Passwords stored in encrypted form are a more secure option, especially when combined with other security measures. Password managers can also be used to encrypt passwords. Every layer of security also adds more complexity so the goal is to balance security and ease of use.

Risks of unsecured storage

Choosing unsecured methods of storage, such as saving passwords in plain text or using easily crackable encryption, exposes users to significant risks. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. Understanding these risks is crucial in making informed decisions about how to store passwords securely. Having a crypto password manager can significantly reduce the risk of unsecured storage.

Key Takeaway

Assume you have one or more undetected viruses or other vulnerabilities at any one time because you probably already do or you will have in the future. As a result weak or unsecured passwords, you are already at risk. Rather than hope you won’t be attacked, assume you have already been and your security mindset will automatically improve.

What is the best way to manage crypto passwords? 

The perpetual debate between manual and automated password management methods persists. Here are some of the pros and cons of each, including the evolution of password management solutions, and strategies for customizing password management. 

Comparing manual vs. automated approaches

Manual password management relies on human memory, often leading to the use of easily guessable passwords. In addition, paper-based password storage requires its own backup and is extremely inefficient. Both approaches require the user to manually type passwords which can be copied by key logging malware. Automated approaches, on the other hand, leverage technology to generate and store complex passwords securely. The efficiency and security offered by automated methods far surpass the limitations of manual management. 

Evolution of password management solutions

The evolution of password management solutions reflects the dynamic nature of cyber threats. From simple password vaults to sophisticated multi-factor authentication systems, the landscape has transformed to meet the challenges of an increasingly digital world. If you work for a company they most likely have a secure password management system and related policies. How can this make sense for your company and not for you? 

Customizing your crypto password management strategy

The one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work when it comes to password management. You must tailor your strategy to your unique needs and preferences. Whether prioritizing convenience or maximizing security, customization is the key to an effective password management strategy especially in crypto. Some browser wallets and desktop wallets only require a password which can’t be auto-filled with the password manager. However, that password should be too complex to remember and makes sense to copy and paste from a password manager. This is an example of adapting to a specific use case.

Key Takeaway

Cryptocurrency investing forces you to step up your security game. You have to start with a security mindset at all times. As a result, your online security with all your non-crypto sites, including banks and social media, will be more secure in the long run.

How crypto investors should manage passwords

The number one thing to remember in crypto is your keys not your coins. Your private keys or seed phrase is the single most important piece of data you have. It’s like cash - so if you drop a $100 bill on the ground and someone picks it up, they have your cash. The same is true with your keys. The best security includes both online and offline security or digital and physical security. Private keys and seed phrases should be written down on paper or stainless steel, for example, and stored in a safe. They should NEVER be stored online in any digital format.

Key Takeaway

The only way to guarantee your private keys and seed phrases will never be compromised in a password manager, encrypted thumb drive, text file or any digital file storage is to NEVER put them there. They should originate and always stay offline and never be stored in a password manager.

How to keep your crypto passwords safe 

With an understanding of effective password management, it's essential to explore actionable strategies for keeping passwords safe. Balancing convenience and security is a delicate task, but user-friendly security practices can make it achievable.

Exploring effective strategies

Implementing effective strategies involves creating strong, unique passwords for each account, regularly updating them, and incorporating additional security layers, such as two-factor authentication. These practices form a robust defense against unauthorized access. 

For example, a bank login should have a strong password 48 characters long with all character types like:


A free resource site with no financial information is low risk so a minimum 8 character password could suffice such as:


Balancing convenience and security 

Striking the right balance between convenience and security is crucial for user adoption. Password managers simplify the process by automating security measures, minimizing the burden on users while enhancing overall security.

person using 2FA security on mobile phone

Key Takeaway

Just like the principles of investing and everything else in life, password management is a risk and reward tradeoff. Ask yourself this, “If my XYZ account were hacked, what is the worst thing that could happen?” The answer will determine how you go about security that particular account.

If it’s a bank account or crypto exchange the answer is obvious: You could have all your assets stolen. If someone hacks your StubHub account they may be able to buy tickets (assuming you saved credit card info in your account.) If someone hacks your Reddit account or other social media, they could make posts which could damage your reputation, but there is essentially no financial risk.

User-friendly security practices

User-friendly security practices ensure that people, regardless of technical expertise, can adopt and adhere to secure habits. Educating users on the importance of security and providing user-friendly tools contribute to a safer online environment. This is especially true in the business and enterprise environment where the organization requires the entire workforce to use secure passwords.

Key Takeaway

Whether you are tech savvy or not, password managers make your life easier rather than harder. There is inherently less risk with a password manager than any other option. 

Pros and cons of crypto password managers

While password managers offer a myriad of benefits, there are some potential issues. Here are some of the advantages as well as common concerns.

Advantages of password managers

Password managers streamline the user experience by eliminating the need to remember multiple passwords. Enhanced security, time-saving features, and the ability to create and manage complex passwords are among the many advantages that make password managers indispensable. The security and efficiency benefits can’t be overstated. Here is an enterprise ROI calculator to asses the cost benefit of password security. 

Addressing common concerns

From concerns about a single point of failure to worries about the security of the password manager itself, addressing common concerns is crucial for gaining user trust. Understanding the limitations and working to mitigate potential risks ensures a more informed and confident user base. Password managers are not without risk so this is a legitimate concern. For example, Last Pass, one of the most widely used password managers with over 30MM users, experienced a security breach in 2022.

Password managers are NOT a be all, end all solution

Password managers are a great security tool, but they are not a magic wand. They are not the one-stop solution for digital security. Think of them as one of many tools in your security toolbox. 

Key Takeaway

The best security comes from using multiple strategies in your security toolbox. The security magic wand comes from the combination of security measures NOT from a single tool like a password manager. The top three security tools are:

  1. Password managers
  2. Stealth emails
  3. Two-factor authentication

Cloud-based password management 

Cloud-based password management has gained popularity because it offers accessibility and synchronization across devices, but concerns about data security and privacy persist. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages is crucial in your selection process. In addition, you have to consider whether to use a paid service or an open source option that can be more secure but comes without the traditional support.

cloud-based technological security graphic

Security measures in cloud-based solutions 

To ensure the safety of password data in the cloud, providers implement robust security measures. Encryption, secure transmission protocols, and continuous monitoring contribute to creating a secure environment for password storage. Customer passwords are encrypted when stored in the cloud so even employees at password manager providers can’t access your password. Some password managers are going to have better measures than others and the trick is figuring out which one is better.

The most popular password managers for crypto

Here are some examples of open source password managers. You may want to consider an open source option because the code is publicly available for review and the theory goes: the more eyes, the better the security.

Each solution has its strengths and weaknesses, catering to different user preferences and requirements.Here are some popular password manager reviews as well:

PC Magazine



Is it safe to use password managers for crypto? 

Addressing concerns about the safety of password managers is crucial for building trust. Debunking myths and misconceptions, examining security protocols, and presenting expert opinions will provide a comprehensive overview.

Debunking myths and misconceptions 

Common myths surrounding password managers often deter individuals from adopting these tools. Debunking these myths—whether related to security, usability, or reliability—is essential for fostering a more accurate understanding. 

  • Top password manager myths
  • Cloud storage increases my risk
  • Password manager is more work

Here are some additional resources on the top myths and misconceptions about password managers:

5 Common Myths About Password Managers

5 Myths and Misconceptions About Password Managers

Top Myths About Password Security

Security protocols in password managers

Password managers employ advanced security protocols to protect user data. From encryption algorithms to secure communication channels, understanding these protocols provides users with confidence in the safety of their stored passwords.

Key Takeaways

  • Password security is paramount in the face of growing cyber threats.
  • Password managers offer a practical and secure solution for those managing multiple accounts.
  • Choosing strong and unique passwords, regularly updating them, and incorporating additional security measures are vital practices.
  • Cloud-based password management provides accessibility and synchronization but requires careful consideration of security measures.
  • Debunking myths and understanding security protocols can alleviate concerns about the safety of password managers.
  • Do your own research (DYOR).

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